
Hello everybody we are on the moment in Athens and we had last week a nice trip from lefkada to here over the island patra, the trip was 400Km and we will go from here to Turkei to find some work .Here in Athens there is no change to find a job because of the problems here in the country . Till now we have nice weather

Hallo Freunde, wir sind momentan in Athen und wir hatten eine schöne Reise,letzte woche,von Lefkadaüber die Insel Patra. Es waren 400 Km bis hierher und wir gehen in die Türkei wo wir einen Job suchen. Hier in Athens haben wir keine Chance, da sie selbst Probleme haben. Bis heute haben wir immer noch schönes Wetter.


Hello everybody

Finaly we found a job here in Greece

Petra is waitress and i am the dishwasser, we will stay here till half of september and then we will contineu ower trip over Athen and then to turkey..

We are working in a nice taverna here in lefkas on the seaside and we have a small salary and the food and house are for free .

We both see this as a part of the journey now and after a long day working it is good when we are on our balcony in the night (mostly 2 o,clock when we are home) and drink together our last beer for the day.

Petra had some problems with the tires of her bike but those are changed for new ones.

Lefkada Greece

We will stay here in Greece for a longer time and are looking for work to make some money , so that we can contineu our journey.

It is difficult to find a job , on the moment we have a house were we are sleeping this house we got from our friend Makis

Greetings from Freek and Petra


Vor etlichen Tagen zurück wurden wir ausgeraubt, unser ganzes Geld ist weg. Es war in der Nacht auf dem Campingplatz, von unserem Zelt, 2.500,- € in bar und unsere Kreditkarten wurden gestohlen. Die Reisepässe haben wir am nächsten Morgen in der Nähe von unserem Zelt gefunden. Das dies in Kroatien passieren kann, hätten wir nicht gedacht, es waren alles persönliche Sachen in diesem kleinen Zelt. Die Polizei konnte uns auch nicht weiter helfen.

Wir sind Donnerstagabend in Griechenland / Lefkada angekommen, bei Makis Taverna in Ligia. Hier bekommen wir essen und trinken von den Leuten. Wir bitten um Hilfe in diesem Moment, es ist jeder Euro von euchwillkommen, Danke. Wir suchen für den Moment ein Job, es ist nicht so einfach. Wenn ihr uns helfen wollt, dann könnt ihr mit uns kontakt aufnehmen, unter oder auf dieser Website eine Mail schreiben.

Trotz allem Glück im Unglück, da zu dieser Zeit Antoinette mit Familie,Gründerin der Stiftung Niketan, Urlaub in Kroatien und Albanien machten. Mit ihrer Hilfe kamen wir nach Griechenland um hier alles in Ruhe zu regeln, da nicht übertall Internet etc. möglich ist.

Ein herzliches Dankeschön nochmals von uns an Antoinetteund Familie, für die schnelle Hilfe. Freek und Petra

Help Hilfe

A few days ago we are been robbed from all our money , During the night is from us in our tent on a campsite all our money been take away more than € 2500,- cash and our bankcards. Our passports we found the next morning back not far away from our tent. This happend in Kroatia while we were sleeping and we dont know how this is possible because our money and personal belongings are near us in our small tent. We did a report ad the police and they could not help us in this matter.on the moment we are in Greece and have some food from the people here . Now we are asking help from all of you because we are now in problems and every euro is welcome . We are looking for a job here to survive but it is not easy to find something .

If you want to help us please contact on or give a replay on this site

rest day in Albania

Today we need some rest and we will stay here on the campsite from a dutch family here in Barbullush in Albania.

The last week we had only nice weather and the average temperature during the day was 45 degrees .

The last story from us was in Karlovac in Croatia and from there we were going along the coast threu Bosnia - Herzegovina and Montenegro , the roads are good but to many hills and mountains so it was very hard to drive here on the bikes , most of the time we are starting 6 am and we have a stopfrom 12 till 3 to recover and some swimming in the sea.

Last week we meet also Antoinette from the Niketan Foundation in Croatia and we discussed about the sponsoring for Niketan .

We hope that all of you who are reading this will give some small donations on our Spendenconto in Germany this will give us also a good feeling that we are driving forthe childrenand not only for the number again from the spendenconto for the disabled children this is Raiffaisenbank im oberland eG Blz 70169598 Kontonummer 103426459 .

last night we were passing the border from Albania and in those 30 km we drove we see already that this is a totaly different country and that the farmers are doing the most things with the horse ore the mule hmmm interesting.

very hot

Wwe are now in Karlobag in Croatia and the last few days we did not make many kilometers , because of the heat .

The temperature is in the afternoon in the sun about 50 degrees and we made today the desision that from tommorow we will start early on our bikes so arond 5 o clock in the morning so that we will make some progress .We did meet nice peole here in Croatia were we were sleeping for 2 nights and the hospetality of those people is so great that they want to give you everything what they got ( thanks for the good time Jasna and Robert). We will survive this heat with swimming in the afternoon.

we are on the way yeahhh

First we want to thank our sponsers :

Manni Bierfassl, Adsumgps ,Bäckerrei Evi Tremmel, Pizzeria Da Rommolo, Traunsteiner Brauerei, Bionicon und Bräustüberl Tegernsee, Feichtner Hof.

We are driving for Niketan , this is a organisation who is doing good things in Bangladesh for the disabled Children. You can find more information on .

If you want to support this organisation, we have a special bankaccount were you cangive your donations if you want to buy our kilometers those are 0,25 € and for those who are buying more than 100 kilometer they will have a special greeting from us of your choise anywere in the world.

For this we need your e-mailadress so that we can send our greetingto you. the account in germany is Raiffeisenbank imOberland eG, Blz 70169598 , Kontonummer 103426459.

Here you will see now our first week ofour trip and we are writing this in Trieste ( Italie) driving on our bicycles in temperatures of 40 degrees celcius , we did allready 2 alp passes the Felbertauern and the Plöckenpass pfffff.